Mentally Gifted Minor
1972 - 1975
Created by David Hunt 15 years ago
My memories of Johanna are from Paularino Elementary School, in Costa Mesa, California. We were part of a group of about 5 or 6 kids in our grade level selected for the "MGM" program, a supplemental educational opportunity for mentally gifted students. We were excused from our regular class once a week to meet as a small group, to learn about astronomy, coin collecting, ecology, computers (we used a "teletype" connection to the county school district computer), or any other subject of interest. We also went on several special field trips only for MGM kids. Johanna was always quiet, kind and studious. It's hard to pick out a distinct event or story out of this, but I do remember that if we had to work in pairs on a project, I liked to work with her. I can picture her perfectly well, 9 or 10 years old, sitting at a table across the room in the small "temporary" pre-fab building (it's still there), very quietly writing or drawing. I know she grew up and had a family, but I'll always know her as that little girl.
David E. Hunt, MD
Lexington, KY